Sunday, January 22, 2012

oh boy

The bike is here :0) Yah!! I am excited to use it. Not so excited to put it together. But hopefully that will be sooner than later. We shall have to see how many of us it takes to put it together and when that happens since I have plans tomorrow, and wednesday, and I have to study for a test that I have to take for work to make me "highly qualified" for the job. yeah.

Ohmygosh. Today my body decided to crave everything I am not eating. I so wanted to eat the Texas toast that they had at dinner. And I so wanted a sugar treat. It's so hard to fall into that mentality of "oh I've been doing this for 3 weeks now, I deserve a treat" Uh no body. You don't. okthanksbye. The only day I will probably do that is Saturday on my birthday. I might have some frozen yogurt :) But that will probably be it.

It's hard to get all my water in on Sundays. I just go go go from church to meeting back to church that I have a hard time drinking it. Like it's 6 and I have 4 cups to go! Not a wise choice to do right before bed I don't think. yeah. I think I will probably be able to get two more cups in. We shall see.

Did I mention that I came up with a brilliant plan to start my Couch to 5K? I probably did. But I forget these things ;) I can go over to my grandparents house and use their treadmill! That was I am not running on the snow and ice.I thought this was genius :) That was I can get started and get going and not keep putting it off. I am going to go on Tuesday and get started on that, and do that T/TH/S and do the bike on M/W/F with some strength training afterwards.That seems like a pretty good program to me :)

As soon as we get the bike put together...

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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.