Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Internet free

Well, sadly my blogging every day this month goal is going to have to come to an end. Not that I missed a couple days earlier..but there are only a couple days left. However tomorrow morning the internet is getting packed up and moved to the other house...where I am not moving to! So for the next couple of weeks unless I go hang out at that house..I will be internet free! I'm kind of using it as taking a break from the internet. Not that I won't have it on my phone but I'm going to have to watch my data for a until I get to a spot where I have wifi, I won't be on much..

Not that I don't have cd's to burn, or to finish packing, or to finish working, or to sleep, or to drink coffee...or maybe even shock of all a book. I'm sure I will find something to do that does not require the internet or a tv..since I shall have neither for the next two weeks.

What to do, what to do? ;0)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Ready for summer

I am so ready for summer break...It's bittersweet because it's really my last summer break. I'm pretty sure that I won't be having a job where I get summers off once I get to California so I'm going to enjoy this one for sure..especially since I will be in California for most of it!

My preschoolers get out of school one week from tomorrow! We only have 5 school days left with them, so we are definitely feeling the end. Tomorrow they are going to start going around and checking out all the kindergarten and music and art rooms and those kinds of it's gonna go by fast.

I ended up taking Thursday off so I can get more stuff moved over to the house before the moving people come to take the big's feeling more final. I really am only going to live with my family for two more nights..then they are going to that house and I am staying here until I put the rest of my stuff into storage and go hang out somewhere for a couple of weeks before I go to Redding for July. I'm going to be there for a good 3 weeks this summer, starting on the 4th of it's going to be all new and exciting..

And of course my elbow starts hurting again today. Must be rebelling from all the moving I did this weekend...little does it know I still have several more weeks of moving :( So I really don't have time for it to hurt.

But I'm off to see about paying my tuition for Worship U and going to bed...trying to keep a routine and not be "burning the midnight oil" here..all that's going to do is make me sick. And ain't nobody got time for that!

Monday, May 26, 2014

The Outcome

Needless to say I am one tired girl..

At least 10 trips later we got some stuff moved to the new house. We pretty much succeeded in getting most of what was in the garage to the new house. I would have liked to have gotten more..But because there really isn't anywhere set up in the new house to put everything, we just would have been lining walls and we really need to wait until all the furniture is at the new house.

Which is happening THURSDAY!

We had gotten a bid from a moving company that ended up being extremely high. And the property manager at the place they are moving into basically said he would do it for half the price of the other place..well no Mom decided to go with them. Why they are coming on Thursday I have no idea...but it just means we have less time to try to get most everything ready. You would think with as many times as I have already gone over there with a full car that we would have most everything over there..but no. LOL. It's going to be at least 1 full big Uhaul if not two. And that's with NONE of my stuff going over there! Well ok. Some of it will end up there because there is just some stuff I don't want going into a hot storage unit. So there will be some stuff there waiting for me to to go to California..but yeah..

I have a lot I could say right now, but I'm going to save it...I'm beat after moving most of the weekend and am going to go to bed early!

Friday, May 23, 2014

moving day 1..

I don't like moving. At all. It's very stressful and frustrating. And that's all I'm really going to say about that. I took 3 loads to the house today and then took a load to the recycling. And I went up and downstairs probably close to 50 times. My knee is not my friend :( And I'm sure I got a good workout in today! Needless to say I took a well deserved bath with some epsom salt tonight...and the great news is I get to do it all again tomorrow!

Well minus recycling.

At least we will get a break and go to a surprise birthday party at 4...

But we have people coming to look at the house we are currently in to see if they want to rent it. I'm really not fond of the way my landlord is doing this and I wish I had gotten more of my stuff to my storage unit...but that's the way it goes. I would have preferred people to come look at an empty house and not with all our stuff in it. She doesn't have a property manager here and she lives in she is just having people come and I think we are supposed to show them. I'm really not a fan. So instead of moving most of the day we are going to end up cleaning the house so it looks presentable for people to come look at it. Do you know how hard it is to move and keep the house clean? Just about impossible.

And I'm off to bed so I can do it all again tomorrow!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Lolfty goal..

We have a goal for this weekend. To get the garage emptied out so if we go with these mover guys, that came to give us an estimate this weekend, can get all the furniture moved over for us. They are working on an estimate for us and I should know soon whether or not we are going to do it. So needless to say this weekend is going to be a lot of pack up, take over, unpack, and come back and repeat. And since we don't have school tomorrow, since we didn't take any of our snow days this winter...yeah..I complained bitterly about the one 2 hour delay that should have been a snow day..but I'm pretty excited that I get a 4 day weekend here this weekend. So. At any rate, I will be super busy this weekend instead of relaxing like most of the rest of the world. Cause goodness knows ;) We couldn't be able to relax on a long weekend now would we?

I don't know how much time I will have to post over the I might break my goal of posting every day this month...Well I guess I did that on Day 2, BUT I haven't missed a day since ;)

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

almost there!


that's all I need to reach my goal for my trip to Redding this summer. I got another 25.00 today! woo-hoo!!

I finally posted some of the pictures I have been painting on Facebook to see if anyone was interested in buying them. And of course my favorite one is the first one to sell. :) I really debated selling it or not. But one of my good friends messaged me about there it goes...oh the life of an artist :) You just can't keep them all!

It's going to be a busy weekend for us. We are going to be moving the things from the garage over to the new house. Hopefully it will go quick. Especially if all 3 of us are using the cars...we will see how it goes. But it will be a good start to seeing how much is going to fit over there and where things are going to have to go. We are going to have to store some of the landlords stuff because we have a washer and dryer that we like and a microwave it all works.

I keep talking like I'm moving in there...but I'm not! haha..I mean I might stay for a couple of weeks..but that's it..Nothing more than couch surfing for me.

But tomorrow I need to start getting the house a little cleaner since people are probably going to be coming and looking at it this weekend. So I most likely be taking some of my stuff to the storage unit again and moving some yard sale stuff around. Oh's going to be crazy.

I keep thinking I will make it to bed early...then I keep I'm going to bed!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What's a clean house?!?

I'm not sure I'll ever know? haha.

At any rate, My mom and sister had the new house cleaned today. I guess the owners left in a hurry cause it was not really move in ready. I mean we probably could have managed...but really the only thing we would have to do now is clean the windows. Although I felt bad for the people who cleaned it. She really only thought it would take 3 1/2 hours to clean an empty house..but this house has so many nooks and crannys it ending up taking them almost double the time! They got there at 9 this morning and didn't leave til almost 3:30. But now we can start the daily trecking of things over to the house for them. But I did convince them to get an estimate on having a moving company come and move our big stuff for us. Like furniture and washer and dryer and freezer. I think everything else we can manage with boxes in the car...but it would be nice to have the big stuff have help with...

Which I have decided after all not to do a yard sale...first it got appealing and now it's just not appealing. I have yard sales that I can donate my stuff to that's worth it and the rest is just not. So I'm not even gonna's just one less thing that I have to do before I go, and I can get rid of things and not try to deal with it. It really kind of made an instant stress relief. I just don't even want to go there...

It's funny how quickly we can change our minds LOL. Especially when it involves time. I would rather spend my time doing a bake sale than doing a yard sale. But that's just the way I am :)

Monday, May 19, 2014


Well when my alarm went of this morning my first thought was why is my alarm going off so early on a Saturday!?! Then it hit's Monday and I have to go to work! Man oh Man. But I really only have to work two more Monday's until my summer break. So I guess that's not too horrible. Next Monday is a Holiday and the day before school gets out I am talking off because of time I've earned throughout the school year. But you know it's a short weekend when on my first day of the week I think it's Saturday.

And tonight I did absolutely no packing at all. I cleaned up in the kitchen, took a bath, drank some root beer, and worked on a project of something I am making for my co-workers. So just in case they come and read this I'm not going to say what it is yet..but it's extremely cute!!

But this week I am going to make every effort to make it to bed at a decent time. And since it's after 10 I better get a move on it...

get it?

a move on it?

I crack myself up :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Was that supposed to be a weekend?

Oh boy...I'm totally going to regret this bedtime when it's time to wake up for work tomorrow..but oh well..I've been dong it all weekend!

We spent the weekend packing. Well minus getting my haircut and going to church ;) I am pretty close to being mostly packed. I have one more actual box to pack and then I think everything else is going in a suitcase. I'm pretty much down to only having clothes and toiletries and linens unpacked. Well shoes too. ;) But I'm not planning on buying any more boxes. I don't think I will be needing them. I think I can fit whatever else I have into my variety of suitcases or if all else fails a garbage bag. I am certainly not opposed to that. I think now that I'm mostly done I am not feeling so anxious about the move. I at least have a good idea of how much stuff I have. I have a few small tubs that I didn't end up putting in boxes..It seems kind of silly to do that to me..and since they are small they could fit in a smaller spot if I needed them too. I guess I have a couple pictures that didn't fit into the box either..but I will make sure they are bubble wrapped well and take them that way....I'm not really going to buy an extra large box for 3 pictures.

 I think I'm going to end up with 12 boxes..of stuff that I packed here. Now let me just mention here that these are 10 small boxes, 1 medium, and 1 large. So that's gotta count for something right? But I still don't remember how many boxes and tubs I have in our current storage unit that I need to move over to mine. I want to say I have close to 8. But 3 of them are Christmas tubs that I'm going to go through and weed out. I'm interested to see all of my stuff in one area. I know there are a couple of things I won't be putting in the storage. I don't want the keyboard or guitar staying in there, so they are going to stay at my mom's house.

And we actually got a lot of the rest of the house packed up as just doesn't even look like we made a dent! :/ But after Tuesday we are going to start hauling things over. I swore I wasn't going to move like this again. I hate the idea of it taking the next 4 weeks to move! But we have someone is actually going to clean both houses..the one they are moving into and the one we are moving out of! All for $400! Sounded great to us not to have to clean either house so we went with it! The only thing we will really have to clean is the windows..and that doesn't take too long at all.

The great thing right now is that I can actually walk around in my room..that wasn't possible on I'd say I made progress this weekend!

15 more days of work! The end is rapidly approaching!

Saturday, May 17, 2014

I think I overestimated a tiiiiiny bit...

Well. I now have 9 boxes packed...I really was hoping I was only going to need about 10 boxes total. I guess I failed on that one..And I will be taking more than I thought.

Or I might just have more stuff than I thought ;)

Either way, I'm not done all...

And being the dork that I am...I am trying to keep everything together that needs to be there. Like all the books, or all the Christmas stuff..I thought I had all my pictures in one box and thew some light stuff on top and taped it up only to turn around and find more pictures...I keep finding things that I wanted in a certain box and then I forget them. Oh well. Haha..Life must go on. Oh and me and the bubble wrap are friends. I wrapped ALL of my pictures in bubble wrap this time. Last time we moved I did not, and most of my frames ended up with dings and scratches in them :( I don't want that to happen this time. I maaay have gone a little overboard..but they are well protected.

I'm still trying to find the balance of what to take and what to leave. I really want my bookshelf but I have a feeling that I'm not going to be able to move it well or have space for it..So I might not take it. I like it because I have less dusting to do, because my things were behind a glass ;) But I also know that I will probably be moving more often in my future, and I want things that are easily portable..and that is not. So now I'm thinking I'm probably not going to take it. I might just buy some cheap bookcases and stack them once I get to Redding. Or I might even put them back on shelves in a room..I don't know.

It's hard to plan for the unknown. I don't have a job yet. I don't have a place to live yet. I don't know who I am living with. Or if it will be an unfurnished or a furnished place. Or how much space I will have to call my own. But I know it's time to go. To follow after a piece of my heart that has just been quietly waiting. Waiting for the time to say Follow me. It's time. If you had asked me in December if I was going to be moving to California in 2014 I would have told you no. I was going to stay and finish my degree first. Flash forward to the end of January and all my plans had changed. My life had changed. I had to decide whether or not I was going to in fact Go. Or stay and not listen to my heart. It's a super big change after 33 years of living in the same place to up and move to the unknown. Thankfully I have a few friends in Redding that I know..But I'm going alone. I'm not taking anyone with me and I'm not moving down there to be with anyone specific. So it's absolutely a stretch.

But I'm ready for this adventure. I think it's finally hitting me. It's my time. It's my turn. I get to be the one going instead of watching my friends go.

And I don't even have Gandalf to go with me ;)

Friday, May 16, 2014

So so close!!

Oh my gosh...tonight I'm feeling loved. I only need $235 to reach my goal for my trip to Redding this July for School of Worship. I had two more people donate today. I always feel a little weird when other students I am going with donate! But another one did to me. And she tried to be anonymous but it ended up telling me...oh well. I still can't wait to meet her!. <3

I have to pay tuition on June I'm pretty darn close at this point. As I sit and just watch how God works sometimes it amazes me. I'm not used to being provided for like this..but I I'm just kind of taking it all in currently and seeing what's going to happen. It's definitely a step of faith to get me there, and I'm just taking it day by day!

If you want to donate here is the link :)

I'm so so grateful for any amount anyone can help with :)

Thursday, May 15, 2014

strange feeling

Today was my last four day week at the Preschool. School is officially over in 3 weeks. At least for my kiddos..The bigger kids have to go June 10th..but we are officially under a month for my brothers and the ones I watch have 9 days left. And then I am done with my work in Washington and need to find a job in California.

No big deal right?


So my Mom and sister got the keys to their new house today. And boy oh's quirky...I guess that's a nice way of putting it. The owner was a do it yourself guy. So a lot of what he did was umm..interesting :) But there is a wonderful garden tub that I would love to take a bath in haha!

But the weirdest thing when I was walking through the house was just the feeling. This is not my home. And I knew it. I didn't really like it. For them it's going to might take some getting used to and things are going to change...the great thing is the boys will get their own rooms again. They will get their own space which they so desperately need. And Mom and my sister are going to have to figure out how to arrange everything..It's going to be interesting...But I walked around and's not my house..and I am not going to live here..

Thankfully they decided to wait until the weekend after school gets out to be out of this house. I was just going to be so stressed out if we had to be out in two weeks. So we have to be out of here June 15th. And I get to be in Redding on July 4th. So I have two weeks to find somewhere to sleep for a while. I mean it's not going to be too hard I don't think...or at least that's the hope..



Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Pain pain go away!!

For the last 24 hours my elbow has been hurting. The outside bony hurts when it's at 90 degrees, and it hurts when it's straight. It just hurts. I hope I haven't done anything serious to it. I have a lot of packing to do.

My mom and sister got approved for a different house! They are going to move back to the city we moved here from (really only 6 miles away..not too big of a jump) But it's going to save on gas since everyone still works in that other city. The only problem is we have to pack everything back up. And move again. Looks like I will only be staying there 1 or 2 months..depending on when I find a job in Redding. But it kind of explains the overwhelming sense that I needed to have everything packed by the end of the month feeling that I have had lately. Right now my room is a complete disaster. I've got packed boxes and half packed boxes...and half the things off my wall. Stuff that I have had set aside for a yard sale that I have no idea where I will do now. You know..those sorts of things.

I'm trying not to be too anxious about it. Ha! Who wants to move twice in two months? I basically will be getting my own storage unit so my stuff is all separate and easy to move when it becomes time to do that. But right now instead of just packing me up now we have to pack the whole house up. That wasn't exactly what I was planning on doing in the next month.

Sometimes I wish I had a concrete plan set in stone. Trying to trust God and to trust the process. All I know is that I have to have a job by the middle of August sometime so I can pay things in September. I'm pretty sure the end of August will be my last paycheck. So I need a job and a place to stay.And it's killing me not knowing that right now because I want to plan for it. I would love to be able to know where I am going and what I am doing and just go with it. But all I know right now is I am going..And I don't know how and I don't know really know when. I just know where. And it's all overwhelming and nervewracking all at the same time!

And on top of all that my sister had to put her dog down today. She had him for 10 years..but he had cancer :( She had surgery done in April on him but the tumor came back and then was she put him down today. Like she said on Facebook, Cancer has stolen all the important men in her life, our dad, our grandpa, and now her dog. It was a weird feeling to come home to only two dogs...and this is why I don't want pets right now...I don't want to have to make those decisions!

I better go to bed...otherwise I'm just going to keep rambling forever!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Well sometime you abandon all and go to bed before 9pm :-)

I was so completely humbled today. My deadline for my tuition for my class in Redding is coming up soon and I had posted on Facebook the link to my youcaring page if people wanted to donate to me they can. So I had a friend from church call me and told me she wanted to donate 100.00 to me! I was completely blown away. I honestly didn't know she even had that much to give me kind of knowing some of her circumstances. Lesson learned folks. Don't judge a book by their cover. They just might surprise you! Ok I mean I wasn't surprised that she wanted to I've to me. I was just surprised at her amount :-) 

So now I only need at least 300.00 more dollars by June 1st! And my faith is growing stronger that it will be fully met by then!

But for now. I sleep. -)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Four down!

I have four boxes packed and ready to go! Woo-hoo! I'm not feeling quite so stressed about it. I mean it's not like I don't have lots of other things to be stressed about right? I mean there are just going to be some things that I can't pack until right before I go, so I'm just going to have to be ok with that. But it's not going to stop me from packing what I can now. Especially if my family ends up moving again this month! I thought I was going to be the only one moving..but that might not be the case. So instead of me having everything we might have to have 2000 square feet ready to move by the end of the month. I've been pretty lucky to have lived in the same house for 23 years. I didn't have to constantly be moving next year. And I just get a sense that I will be moving more frequently in the future. It's not something that really excites me. So I'm trying to pare down what I own, knowing that I will be doing this a lot! And I'm sure with each time I do it that I will lose more stuff. Haha..or at least that might be the goal!

I seriously have super bad summer-itis. The countdown is on. We have less than a month now calendar wise until school is out. But I only have 12 school days left with my preschoolers. This is our last full 4 day week. The next three weeks only have 3 days in them and I am done! Well I do have to throw in a few more actual work days ;) But you get the drift. I know that's the one thing I am going to miss when I make it down to California is actually having a job that I only work 9 months out of the year. Sad to say working in a school has kind of ruined my for public schools. My currently non-existent children will be home-schooled  thankyouverymuch. I'm pretty convinced at this point.

And on that note I better make it to bed so I'm not super grumpy teacher tomorrow! My body is so confused right now...last night I was in bed by 8 and tonight it's already after 11. No set schedule for me! LOL!.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Oh Happy Day :-)

Happy Mother's Day :-) I hope all you mothers and soon to be mothers and spiritual mothers and step in mothers had a wonderful day :-)

Saturday, May 10, 2014

We're off to see the Wizard!

Well I will be tonight. My niece is a munchkin in the Wizard of Oz play that one of the High School's here is putting on. It's the last showing and I will be there...3 hours long! I actually love going to plays and musicals. I wish I had more money to go to them..I would love to support them I just always find out too late or it's between paychecks..

So I helped my friend move today..and I seriously want my move to go like that! Haha...She had everything all ready to go in one section of her house and we loaded up the Uhaul in less than 45 minutes and unloaded in about the same time. All in all it took us 2 hours to get her stuff from one house to was sooo fast! Now granted my move is two states down...But still...I want to be that organized! But I won't have nearly as much stuff as she does :) But it's also been a while since I've lived on my own ;) I have hardly any kitchen tv. One twin mattress...yeah.. I don't even think I would need a 10 foot Uhaul...But then again I could surprise myself? I don't know! Haha...

I decided to post early since I will be up late...Hope you have a grand day!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Two drawers...

Well tonight I got two drawers cleaned out. Haha..and then I promptly put stuff back into them. So I guess technically they aren't really cleaned out? But I can't reach my filing cabinet very well all the stuff that I wanted to file I put back in a drawer. So it's at least gone through..This is stuff I am keeping and need to put somewhere else. Everything else went in the yard sale bag, recycling or garbage. I also had two small tubs that I am going to be putting office stuff and then electrical stuff in. The two big pieces of furniture that I decided not to keep basically were throw all my junk in them furniture. One is a buffet. It holds a variety of things but I managed to get the two easy drawers cleaned out tonight :) The top drawer is by far the most junk drawer of it all. It used to be so nice and organized and now I just avoid opening it.'s a lot of pens and sharpies and chargers and batteries and stuff. This is the stuff I really don't know where I'm going to put right's basically taken the place of a desk really. I have a small secretary, but once again I don't use it except to hide stuff in it :) I will be getting a lot more organized. And getting rid of more office stuff..I really don't need 30 million pens. I mean I don't exaggerate...not one bit.

And the other cabinet held all my bathroom stuff and some other miscellaneous stuff. We didn't have room in our bathroom here to store all our stuff so I kept my cabinet that used to be in my closet at the other house. So as of right now that's mostly cleaned out..but I am still using stuff and hoping to use up some more stuff before I go. But I still have a little bit to go :)

So those two pieces are going to my cousin's house soon and I wanted to get those cleaned out first. It would be nice to get them out of my house and be able to use the room to store boxes LOL!

Which is the bad thing about moving...I don't have much room to put all my boxes. So I want to be all packed up and ready to go yet I don't have anywhere to put my my room might just have to be a mess for the next two months...and I might just have to deal with it. HAHA..

Well I am off to help a friend move in the I need to get in bed :)

Thursday, May 8, 2014

One down...

hopefully not to many more to go! Boxes of things packed that is.

I'm fully convinced now that I'm a hoarder. I have such a hard time separating myself from the stupidest little things. I just want to keep all of it and move it to California where I won't have room for it!

I think I'm slowly but surely being talked into a dreaded yard sale. When we moved last year I swore up and down with major cursing that I would never have one of those again. And here I am a year later about to move again...and my friends keep telling me I should do one and they will help me and we can get people to donate things...And the more I need to get rid of stuff the more it's sounding like it should happen. I just need to clear some things with my Pastor to really make sure we can use the church parking lot and it might be a go :) Yikes. My friends must really love me :)

And a youtube video saved my life tonight. I searched for why itunes wouldn't recognize my phone and all it took was a video showing me how to update my driver on the phone and voila! My phone showed up in itunes. Thank you Jesus..I love my iphone..but I seriously hate itunes!

And I'm trying to figure out the appropriate way to sell the paintings I have done recently to raise money for my trip to Worship School. I mean can I just make an album in my facebook pictures and call it good? And how much do I charge for them..And all that stuff. Oh boy. :)

I wish I could be so brave like some of my friends and move taking as little as possible. And not be attached to so much stuff. It's just stuff. But its my stuff. It's who I am. It's a part of me. And some of it I will still be able to get rid of. But some of it I won't. And that's ok. I am just going to need to be in a season of figuring out which is which. What can I get rid of? Or what is an absolute keep?

It's all about letting go...

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Wednesday you could have been a little nicer to me....just saying.

I'm convinced itunes hates my guts. I can buy songs no problem from my phone...but I can't plug my phone into the computer and be recognized when I open at this point I can't transfer anything over.. grr..I love my iphone and hate itunes..why can't the two of them get along with me?

13 days left with the preschool kiddos. oh boy. The time is coming rapidly to a close and I still can't believe we are that close. Plus the fact that 13 days will still take 4 weeks...but still ;) Next week is our last 4 day school week. This has been a rough year...full of changes at school. I'm ready for a new chapter in my life right now that does not hopefully involve children. But who knows what I'm going to end up with when I make it to California..

Just short and sweet today...I still hate itunes...i guess I'm falling asleep to the computer and not the phone tonight..

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

too much...


I have too much stuff. I tried to pack up one of my cabinets today. I figured I was gonna move some of the toiletries around and what not..

I seriously didn't even get one whole shelf completely cleared off.

I. Am. Doomed.

And a little bit of a Drama Queen. ;)

I think more than anything this is going to be a new season of Letting Go. I'm letting go of my comfortable job, and housing. I'm letting go of stuff. (And let me tell you I'm going to be letting go of way more stuff! Holy moly guacamole!) I'm stepping out into the complete unknown. People keep asking me what my plan is.

Here's my plan:

I don't have one.

At least that's not completely set in stone. I know my plan is to be in Redding the majority of July. I will be attending Worship U on Campus at Bethel Church from July 7th-18th. And at the same time I'm going to be looking for a job and some people to move in with. There's a job I have my heart kind of set on. I'm just praying favor for that. And I need to live with 2-3 people really to be able to live ok :)

And that's all I know right now. And if you don't know the song Oceans by Hillsong United, it's pretty much my life right now :)

You call me out upon the waters
The great unknown where feet may fail
And there I find You in the mystery
In oceans deep
My faith will stand

And I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Your grace abounds in deepest waters
Your sovereign hand
Will be my guide
Where feet may fail and fear surrounds me
You've never failed and You won't start now

So I will call upon Your name
And keep my eyes above the waves
When oceans rise
My soul will rest in Your embrace
For I am Yours and You are mine

Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever You would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my Savior

I will call upon Your name
Keep my eyes above the waves
My soul will rest in Your embrace
I am Yours and You are mine

Monday, May 5, 2014


Cinco always comes after the 4th...There should be a running tally of jokes or pictures or something!


Tonight at church I did something I haven't really done before :) We picked out the keys of songs that I would sing them in so we can start practicing them to lead them. My worship leader worked with 3 of us girls figuring that out. It was fun to practice the songs and then hear the other two do the same one. We actually found a song that all 3 of us sang in the same key. that was cool..

And in other news: I packed a bag today. I've really just been feeling the need to start packing for the I took some clothes that I was saving for when I am smaller. *cough cough* way smaller and I packed them up. And hey! Go me..I even got rid of a few of them once I decided I didn't actually want them anymore. Truthfully I should probably just get rid of all of them. But I kept about 4 pairs of pants and 2 shirts. Now this is waaaay down from the bags of clothes that I had when I lived at the other house...I am gonna learn to not be a packrat before I move and it's going to be amazing!

So 1 down..too many to go! Haha..I have some furniture that I am passing along to other family members, so I guess right now my goal is to get those emptied so that when they get here they can go to their house...yep yep..that's a good goal..

And now my other goal is to fall asleep before midnight. Because that would be just down right amazing!!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

May the Fourth be with you...

Now that the obligatory Star Wars joke is out of the way....

At church today we continued on with the bake sale and I came home with another 76 dollars. I'm actually quite shocked that my little church was that generous with their money when they had no idea I was doing a bake sale :) Bad planning on my part but it worked. I need about 400 more dollars for my trip this summer. I am sooooo close :0) There are other things I need my car to get fixed..but I know that will come...

It's been a really hard season. I really thought that I was coming out of all the crap..but just changes. Work has just had an added stress. And I've gotten in the mentality of just being done. I literally have so little time left there..One calendar month from today is my kid's last day at school. And then a couple days later will be my official last day at the school. I've worked at the same school since April of 2010. And I've been very spoiled there. I tell you of the perks of working at the school district is the schedule. Where else do you get winter break, spring break, and all summer off? It's going to be a big mental change of going back to work year round. I have LOVED having the school schedule. But I know its time for a change. California's laws are different when it comes to working with kids..and I don't have all the necessary college credits it takes to be able to work in childcare down it's forcing me to change really..

And I'm just getting ansty...I'm ready to pack up my life and start moving on...It's so hard to live in the now and the present..and yet still figure out how to get to where I want to be down there. It's the tightrope walk..and I just don't feel like I'm doing so hot at it right now..

And so I plod on...hi ho hi's back to work I go :)

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Well 3 days in and I've already missed a day..haha..I was busy baking last night for my bake sale today.

So this School of Worship that I was accepted for in California costs a lot of money. It's $775.00 tuition for two weeks..and then you need a place to stay. And then you need gas to drive there...and then well, you need to eat. So it's well over $1200.00 for me to go. And to come up with in a short amount of time..yikes. So today I did a friend sells Paparazzi jewelry. And she had mentioned doing a fundraiser for me to help raise money. So I on a whim decided to throw a bake sale in. Bake sales are a gift from God really. I got to bake. And then sell it. :0) And make money. So all in all today I raised 100.00 towards my trip. That was with what she donated, and money from the bake sale, and then just whatever people donated. So I felt pretty encouraged when I counted it out after we were done. But there was enough bake sale stuff left over that we left it at the church and are going to sell it tomorrow :0) Yummmy!

That's what I've been up to the last couple of days. My tuition is due June 1st. So I'm getting pretty antsy...but it's so close...I can't wait for July!

Redding here I come :0)

Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day, May Day

OH don't mind me...I was just laying there almost asleep when I realized I said it was my goal to post every day this month. So I better get up and do that! *yawn*

Well lets see. True to par this year has been trying. One of my little brothers broke BOTH of his arms at the same time. We spent 5 weeks with 2 casts..It's funny how it becomes "normal" so fast, and then you have to relearn everything.

I have 26 days of work left. It almost seems surreal. I still have to put in my letter to HR telling them I'm not returning next year. It's becoming more and more clear to me that this is the right time to be moving on. Although I honestly have no idea how I will be living and surviving in California. It's Jesus for sure.

My life right now seems to be full of "lasts." This is my last time doing that...or last time doing this. Sometimes they are good last, but sometimes it's a little sad. It's almost like a grieving process. But I think I'm going to make it through :)

It's another short and sweet update :) But I mean you really don't want a huge long one right? Right.

2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.