Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday weigh in week 49

49!! Oy vey! This year is rapidly coming to a close. And I am nowhere near where I wanted to be. Nevertheless I shall keep going.

I have been sick again for the last week. It started the very day we got off for Thanksgiving break. Although if I think about it I was starting to get sick before then. Just didn't realize it. I basically slept 12 hours every night, Wednesday through Saturday. And then woke up in the middle of the night on Saturday and Sunday. Sometimes you can sleep too much and the NyQuill won't work :( I have also had a low grade fever, which made me go into the doctor. 5 minutes and he decides it's "viral". Which is why I hate going to the doctor. Thank you for taking my money and telling me that. No. Really. Grrrrrr. Now I feel worse and don't have the money to go back to the doctor! That's what I get for going to the doctor too soon I suppose. See what I get for trying to be proactive?

So there is this teacher at work who has lost a bunch of weigh this year. She happens to have the same lunch that I do, and I was listening to them all talk today during lunch and they were asking her all sorts of questions. Like how much have you lost, what have you done...all those questions. Well she has lost 75 pounds since January. And all I kept thinking was man..That should have been me! I should be the one that people keep asking me what I have done. Just a moment I had today.

I don't know if it's all the medicine I've been taking or what, but my body is still retaining the weight. I mean sleeping so much over break, I ended up down at 222 again. But go figure it crept back up to 225 this morning. I haven't quite got it figured out yet. And it's irritating. But then again, so is this stupid recurring sinus infection. :(

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday weigh in week 48

Holy cow. Can I just say it doesn't feel like Wednesday to me today? Like I literally almost forgot that I was going to weigh in today. Maybe it was because I stayed home yesterday, or that today was the last day of work for the week. So first I almost forget to weigh myself and then tonight I almost forgot to post. Haha. Well that wouldn't have been a big deal since I weighed the same this morning as I did last week. Dislike. So yeah. Don't mind me over here in my corner of the world just trying to figure out why I'm not losing it. I'm working out 4-5 times a week. And apparently I need to bump it up a notch. Or figure out what the heck I am eating that is making me hold on to the weight.

So at any rate it's 10:30, I'm tired. I need to take some nyquill (pesky runny nose and sore throat again) and then I get to sleep in a bit. I'm going to get my run done early and get it out of the way for tomorrow. I'm not a bad overeater at all on thanksgiving.  Well if you count eating too much potatoes ;) Not a big fan of all the sides that you eat with turkey. Give me some meat, potatoes and a roll and I am a happy girl. And then a piece of pie ;)

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving :0)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Wednesday Weigh in Week 47

Ever have one of those days where you wake up running and never quit. Yep. That was today. I got up late, second day in a row!!, and just kept on going. I was supposed to bake my Amish friendship bread today and about halfway through the day realized that that I didn't have enough flour. I confirmed that suspicion when I got home so I had to run to the library to copy the recipe and then to Winco to get some flour and to see what kind of pudding they had. Did the dumbest thing at the library. I was trying to copy real quick and didn't look to see which side the paper went on. So of course I copied nothing. Just a blank paper! Haha. I had to go back out to my car to get more change for it to recopy it. I ended up wasting .60 on it instead of .30. Oh well. And then joy of all joy's Winco had cheescake pudding. I used that in my bread mix, threw in some caramel bites that I had, put it in a 9x13 cake pan and had some yummy yummy bread/cake. Whatever you want to call it. I call it the not lose any weight bread. Next time I make it I am throwing in something chocolate so I can't eat it! It was that good tonight! Oh boy. So now it's 10 and I am ready to crash but I remembered I hadn't done my post yet. I mean of course my super busy day would be Wednesday!

So other than that fun part of the day this post will be super short today. I've already taken my melatonin and will be drifting off to sleep hopefully soon. The key is to stay asleep all night and not keep waking up in the middle of the night..

Lost less than a pound. Don't know what the deal with my body is right now. But I will get it figured out.

Now I just need my headache to hit the road and (almost) all will be better :0)

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Wednesday weigh in week 46

Well I realized I got buy and didn't recap my Bloomsday training last week. I actually skipped a workout. I ended up being sick that day and wanted to run but eventually decided against it. I took a total extra day of rest. I am hopefully getting back to feeling like a normal person. Except for when I stay up until 1:00 am on election day and get up 4 hours later :/ (I am EXHAUSTED right now..short post). I have a feeling I am going to switch up next week a little bit and trade my running day and cross training day. Monday is a holiday, so I don't have work. And I can go run that day and then cross train on Tuesday and it will be good :0) Which is what I ended up doing today. I was just so beat from only getting 4 hours of sleep and being on my feet all day that I decided to rest my legs and I will cross train on Friday which was supposed to be my rest day. :-) I'm glad I can be flexible and not beat myself up when I do things like that. Whew. So that's the current update on Bloomsday!

And I don't know where the ___ 3 pounds came on from, but it did. Not really liking a 3 pound gain right now. All I can say is my stomach feels like it is full of air, and has for a couple of days. So I guess I'm not surprised, but definitely irritated. Things will be changing in my food and they will be changing quite soon. I'm thinking I pretty much have to cut out all dairy and wheat/gluten again. I've been lax in those areas. And I'm pretty sure that's the cause of it. So I need to get back to serious over here. Which is probably gonna mean no more coffee again. I just have quite the love/hate relationship with coffee. I love it, well I love it with milk and syrup..but that's the problem. I don't love it with almond milk, or coconut milk. And I'm just scared to try soy milk. So I guess it means it will have to go bye bye again. Or at least move to a social thing. Where I could have it once in a while while I'm out with a friend. But not every day like I have been. Plus it's just an added money cost that I simply don't have right now. Crazy as it seems, I should spend the money that I spend on coffee every month and spend it on real foods ;) or Vitamins even ;) What a thought! I think I'm gonna phase it out by an every other day thing for right now. I only have a few grounds left. So yeah. Maybe someday I won't be allergic to milk anymore and I will be able to enjoy coffee again. But definitely decaf. If I start drinking it again it will have to be decaf. Whole other topic LOL!

oh yeah..I said short post huh? :0)

2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.