Friday, January 13, 2012


Well I pretty much started phase two of trying to get rid of the Candida overgrowth today. I started taking Grapefruit seed extract which is supposed to kill the overgrowth inside my body. Pretty sure it's working as I have had a headache all day! Still have to figure out how long to take that before I start taking a probiotic. I figure I will just take it for 3 weeks to a month to use up what is in the bottle. Unless I start feeling way better way sooner!

I also am currently soaking my feet in RAW apple cider vinegar right now. It's supposed to be a natural way to get rid of athlete's foot. The whole issue with athlete's foot is the main reason that I realized that Candida overgrowth may be in fact what I have. I have had this issue for about 10 years and I can't get it to go away. My toenails are in horrible condition. I can't wait for the day that my toenails are all grown out nicely and I can actually go get a pedicure from someone. Until that day, no one is touching my toes. I won't put any salon through that. Yucky toes. I wish I could paint them, but alas, you are not supposed to do that when you have athlete's foot. Dang. Can't even cover it up. I usually end up painting them if I know my toes are going to be seem and then taking it off that night. Or at least that is the goal ;)

But sadly that raw apple cider vinegar is expensive! It was almost 6.00 a bottle. And I ended up using almost the entire bottle to soak my feet tonight. Now the one thing I was looking at said to soak your feet every night! But there is no way I can afford that. So if I think this helped at all I might try doing it once a week. I was really doing it to 1) see if it made a difference and 2) try to jumpstart the whole cleaning out the toenails effect. I by no means want to sit with my feet in soaking wet socks everynight till its gone. A) that's a lot of money and B) I don't have all that many socks and I don't want to be wearing two pairs a day. That's a lot of laundry!

So I press on. Press on through the headache, press on through the wet socks. By all means 2012 will be the year that I finish what I start. With the weight loss and the athlete's foot :)

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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.