Friday, February 24, 2012

Switching it up

So today was a little different. My teacher's daughter was still sick so she didn't come in today, so it was just the other Para and I. We managed to get a lot done in the four hours I was there I thought :) That was nice. And then I came home and thought I was going to relax before the hockey game I was going to tonight.

Until I looked at the weather for tomorrow. We are under a strong wind advisory. Again. And outside it looked like this:

Bright and Sunny! So I decided to do a big no-no in the C25K world. I ran two days in a row. I really didn't want to be trying to run in 20mph wind gusts tomorrow. It makes breathing kind of hard ;) So I did it today. And now that the time that I am running gets longer, the intervals get shorter so it seems shorter to me? I don't know. I am coming up to the part of the program where I didn't make it before. I don't remember last year at what point I just gave up on the program and started running miles instead. I am determined to see this time through though. Could I go out and run for 30 minutes straight right now? Eh maybe. I just finished 8 minutes. And Tuesday starts two weeks of running 12 minutes at a time. So in 3 weeks I will be running for half an hour. That's good LOL! I can wait that long.

I am however going to lose my track to the lovely spring sports that start next week. :( I usually run right after school because it's just easy to go straight there. And they are going to be practicing right after school as well as meets on Thursdays. So I gotta find a new place. I really don't like running on the street. I had some dogs come at me once last year and I would rather try to stay away from neighborhoods because of that. So I am probably going to have to head down to the park to start doing it. Luckily it's staying lighter longer now, so I am able to be outside to do it!

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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.