Thursday, March 22, 2012

Running while sick?

I'm in that weird balance of not being healthy, but not really feeling sick? I know that I have just been super exhausted lately. I came home from work Monday and took a 5 hour nap. I knew the other person in my room's entire family was sick, so she was gone Tuesday and part of Wednesday so I knew I had to go to work, and today my teacher was gone a half day. Gotta be there today too. What's a sorta sick, but mainly tired girl to do?

Take nyquill and sleep for 12 hours! LOL. That's what I did last night. Went to bed at 6:30 pm and got out of bed at 6:30 am this morning. I'm still feeling slightly edgy like I'm not feeling well. But I'm not coughing. My throat isn't as sore. But I am making sure to use the Neti pot, and salt water gargles and getting my vitamins in.

And what did we wake up to this morning? SNOW! In March. Craziness. And then by the time I got off work it was sunny, beautiful and a good 52 degrees. Perfect time for a run! I hadn't gone running since Saturday when I finished c25k. And I decided to push myself (uh when do I not?) to see if I could actually run 3 miles today. Which is sort of a half truth? I mean I do a 5 min warm up and cool down? So I walk 10 minutes of that 3 miles but still! 54 mins 51 seconds. Pretty proud that its under 55 mins LOL. And I ran about 2.5 miles of it without stopping. I get about a quarter of a mile walked before I start running. So yeah. under 55 mins :) And I didn't even stop when the stupid bug flew into my eye. Hard to get a bug out and keep running fyi ;)

I also cheated, or was insanely brilliant today. Instead of parking where I normally do, at the busy part of the park, I found the spot close to the 3.5 mile marker, which is usually where I turn around. I started there today and ran down to the 2.0 mile marker, and then back of course. The best part is that I got to walk up the insane little hill before I started running. Then I got to stop right before it and walk back down for my cool down. Brilliant? I think so! Although it's kinda hard to actually walk down it without jogging, so next time I think I am actually gonna just start walking after I make it down the hill. But I liked starting at the non busy part of the park. And it's actually just right up the street from my work, so it's a shorter drive to get there, so I can start my workout sooner! Yeah!

And today I only ran with the mapmyrun app, instead of the c25k one, and I got it figured out to only talk to me in 5 minute increments. That made me a happy little runner. Although I need to get on my itunes and make a decent running playlist. That might help me increase my speed ;)

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