Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wednesday Weigh in week 77

Not much to report on the weight. I stayed at 243. I am not doing a picture today because I am still trying to get my new computer all figured out and I wasn't going to battle with Windows 8 this late at night :0) When we moved in and it was the hot week from H....and the air conditioner was broken it fried what was left of the battery in my old laptop. So I powered on for a few weeks with it flashing at me, until it finally beeped at me and told me it didn't recognize the battery. Oh. joy. So I begrudgingly ordered a new one and it came on Monday. But I have been so busy organizing the house from the move that I haven't played on the computer too much. But I can say it's an amazing feeling to not be attached to a cord again. I'm enjoying a battery that will last me for 5 hours and not a cord plugged in for all of time. I just need to find the time to get files switched over and the likes of all that. It will happen, I just have other things that will happen in front of it :)

I started and mostly finished a huge project today. With the help of my mom and my friend. I will talk more about it later, and maybe even post a before and after picture. But for right now I'm tired and need to get heading to bed...the alarm is going to go off way to early, and my project took up 12 hours today! Oy.

A couple of friends and I decided yesterday that we are getting back on track :0) All 3 of us. And we shall be reconnecting :) Just like on our sparkpeople page! Except we are doing a lot of it on FB too. Haha..

I have other thoughts swirling around in my head of things I want to post, so I will probably be posting more often :) That's a good sign of me being on track too, haha..more than one post a week.


1 comment:

  1. Ha! I had the same battery issue, and finally got a new computer. Oh, the joy of going cordless!!

    Can't wait to hear what's next!!


2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.