Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Wednesday weigh in week 19

Ok. So let's just be completely honest and real here. My mom is in the hospital having some surgery done today. And two weeks ago when this mess all started I just kinda had a to heck with it moment, and I've been downhill since then. Yes I have been "carb-loading" and not in a good way. I am not to be trusted with donuts in the house. At all. And I've been to DQ a couple of times for some tasty blizzards. Or frozen yogurt. I haven't been able to be consistent in my working out. And sorry guys, but my cycle has thrown me all out of whack. All of this means 7 pounds gained in two weeks. Hmmmmmmm. I'm still pretty sure that not all of it is actual weight, or just water or bloating or whatever.

And I am most likely gonna have to be switching my workouts around for the next 6 weeks until Mom is fully recovered.

Needless to say it's always a fight for something. And even if my head is telling me that it wants to quit and give up and keep eating gluten and dairy and carbs, my heart is gonna win this battle. I refuse to live the rest of my life like this. And so the battle rages on.

Happy Wednesday...

Oh yeah!! Let's end on a happy note!! I have been borrowing Katie's garmin, and I have run with it 3 times now. This week I started bumping up my miles. I am up to 3.5 miles at a time. I found a great new path to go on and it's been interesting to see the difference between the garmin and my mapmyrun app. It's about .04 to.10 of a mile and about 20 seconds to 30 seconds difference in the average pace. All in all, its not too bad. On the one hand it's remembering to charge another thing before I run. On the other hand, it's nice to look down and see what my mileage and time is and not have to drag out the phone and unlock it and get it put away..Christmas present to myself maybe? ;)

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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.