We are sitting here on day 3 of snow/ice/rain mixed weather, and I have to say I haven't been out of the house since Wednesday afternoon when I got home from work. And I literally had a moment today of oh my gosh! What day is it? The boys (my brothers) are definitely ready to be doing something then stuck inside all day. See Wednesday the snow was pretty. And fun to play in. Today it's just a hard layer of ice after it was freezing rain ALL day yesterday. It's days like this I wish I had a treadmill. I would have used it! But I did manage to work out for 40 minutes on my Airofit. Yes. I have one of those. Kinda like the Gazelle :0) Best 14.00 I have ever spent at Goodwill. I have lost and gained and lost and gained with that thing ;) And soon the new bike will be here and we will have to make room in the gym. I can't wait to start cross-training with that thing. :) But I guess that means that I would have to be actually doing the Couch to 5k. Um hello. I am under 5 inches of snow and ice. The track is buried and I will not be running outside at the moment.
Oh yeah. I worked out!
It's the first workout that I have done this year. I was really trying to get a hold of the food part of this change. I knew if I tried to do both of them at once that I was going to fail at something. So I just decided to start with the food. But as I have watched my weight stay the same for the majority of the last week, I knew it was time to start the workouts again. Which means I am probably going to figure out how to eat a little more. Because I know right now I am hitting the very low end of how many calories I should be eating a day, and if I was to exercise most of that away, well I just don't know if that would be very healthy. So I am gonna have to figure out a snack at some point during the day.
And I also took the time to de-ice my car a little bit today. I have no plans on going anywhere till Sunday when I go to church, but I knew it was supposed to start raining and snowing again at some point before then, and I didn't want to be scraping off a ton of ice on Sunday before church..so I decided to get a layer off today. I ended up doing it right after my workout because I knew my body temperature would be up and I wouldn't freeze so bad LOL! But I spent a good 20-30 minutes getting all the snow and ice off of my car that had fallen since Wednesday. Let's just say that this is the part of winter that I do not like. I like snow when it's falling and pretty and I don't have to drive anywhere. Let alone the fact that I would like to be able to get off my street. I will be shocked if they actually get around to plowing my street. I really think that they rely on that good old Chinook wind coming and warming everything up. Just my luck they are probably going to end up doing it Sunday morning, and I will be digging my car out before church.
I haven't been posting a lot of my food, but it's been relatively the same every day. Usually a hard boiled egg for breakfast or two rice cakes with peanut butter, I have had a salad almost every day for lunch with either chicken or taco meat. And then I usually end up modifying our dinners to something I can eat. Last night I wasn't feeling all that great. So I just had a small spoonful of the rice at dinner even though it had gluten in it. I spent a fair majority of the evening in the bathroom anyways last night. I think I caught the bug that my mom had last weekend. Glad to say it passed quickly and I felt much better today :)
Good day. No school. I worked out. And I de-iced my car :) Now if I could only remember what day it is ;)
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