Does weight loss seem to be more of a mental game to you? I mean we all know what to do to lose weight. So why didn't I lose it all years ago? It really seems to be a mental thing to me. Like today. Not that I by any means tried to eat less. But I sure played the well I am officially weighing in tomorrow, so I don't want to have a lot of salt. Or I should drink an extra couple cups of water to wash down any salty stuff I did have. I am fairly certain I ate way less carbs today than I did yesterday. All that kind of stuff was running through my head.
I weigh myself every day. Well every day that I am trying to "be good" and lose weight. If I am knowingly eating horribly and not working out then I won't do it. I don't want to know what the number says. But if I know I am watching what I eat and working out and making an effort its just what I do. So I know what the scale says last Wednesday and today and I am very excited. Although I know in my head it will taper off. I can't expect to lose lots of weight super quick. Nor do I exactly want to. I don't want all the extra weight :/
Today was harder. We had a crazy day at work and thankfully the snack that the birthday boy brought in was chocolate brownies. Since chocolate has been a no no for 5 years, that wasn't a problem. But today I am hungrier then I was yesterday. But today I didn't have a baked potato and chili. That's a lot of carbs even if the chili has protein in it. I really need to find a way to get more protein in. Without eating chicken twice a day. Or sucking down spoonfuls of peanut butter. Which shouldn't count. :) Protein has always been hard for me. I am not really a meat eater much by default. I would make a great vegetarian if I liked vegetables. I usually got most of my protein by milk and cheese actually. But since I am avoiding those right now too, it's been harder.
So the upcoming goals are to continue to figure out meals. Figuring out new things to try and *gulp* actually doing it.
Breakfast small apple, hard boiled egg
Lunch romaine lettuce, chicken, brown rice
Dinner, scrambled egg, 1 1/2 sausage patty
snack, 2 tbs pb, large handful fritos
water 10 cups, latte in AM
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