I was brave yesterday and tried a beet. I wish I had been able to take a picture of my hand after I peeled them :) They were so purple :) But all in all they tasted like dirt. I wasn't too impressed. It wasn't really something that I would want to eat quite often at all.
I don't remember now what I ate yesterday either. Not a whole lot though. I think my stomach is definitely getting smaller. I am more satisfied with lesser amounts of food these days. Which is a strange phenomenon for me. I used to live a life of constantly shoving food in my mouth. And tonight I walked all around the grocery store, down the baking aisle, in the bread aisle, and I didn't want any of it! I shuddered! Um yeah. I don't know what my problem is LOL!
I spent a ton of money on groceries today. Well not all groceries. I had to get my normal vitamins because I was out of one and the other was low. And I have been reading on the http://www.thecandidadiet.com/ site about the antifungals to take to get rid of the yeast in your body. So I found some grapefruit seed extract to take that is supposed to work really well, and then I also got some raw apple cider vinegar also. I had a friend who told me that she actually drank it diluted in some water. I was more interested in soaking my feet in it to see if it would help my athlete's foot go away quicker. And I got some protein drinks to see if I like them to try to increase my protein. I am just not going to be able to eat enough I don't think. Or maybe I am. But on some days it would be nice to have a little boost. But all the protein powders I was looking at were packed in sugar! I was shocked. There was no way I was going to buy those with that much sugar in them. That was ridiculous. That would defeat the purpose of me giving up sugar if I had to use a protein mix with a ton of sugar in it. Uh no.
I have now been yeast/sugar/gluten/dairy(mostly) free for one week. There are a few things I was still eating. Like the 1/2 c milk in my coffee, with some syrup or creamer. I was eating apples still, but I didn't today. The last apple I had was tasting gross to me. I ended up throwing half of it away. I was sad. But the yeast and the gluten I have stuck too. Unless they were hiding in something I ate. There were a couple of times I ate like cream of chicken soup. Or tonight we had sausage and been casserole. Mom made me a little bit without the bread crumbs in it, but some of them might have been soggy and I might have eaten a few. But I ate nothing breaded, or pasta or the like.
I can tell this is what I am supposed to be doing right now. There is no earthly reason that I should not be craving any and everything sugar right now. Or bread. It's like my brain switched. I don't want it. I mean I want it in my coffee. I am still not quite ready to give up my coffee. Yes it's on the list of no-no's. I might eventually switch to decaf. But for right now I am keeping it. If I don't see an improvement by the end of January I might change my mind. But I can look at cookies or donuts or cakes and really be ok with the fact that I don't want it. Which is the weirdest concept in the world for me. But that's God. Now. If only I could make my brain like lots and lots of good vegetables that I should be eating I would be all set! This time at the store I got a cucumber to try. :)
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