Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Wednesday weigh in Week 74

A funny thing happened on the way to today's weigh in...

It didn't happen.

I got my scale out of my bedroom, and put it on the floor and stepped on it, and it didn't turn on. I think I had set some stuff on top of it when I put it away last week and it must have left the battery at any rate I think the battery died. I've never had that happen and so naturally I didn't have batteries on hand for it. And the screw driver to unscrew the spot.

So I didn't weigh in. Which I guess isn't a bad thing. I was very worried about my weigh in anyway. LOL. So I guess not seeing a number wouldn't depress me any. And it's just been rough moving this month. I haven't had time to cook my lunches, so I've been eating out every day for the last 3 weeks. I'm really sick of Dairy Queen by the way. Dang them and their $5 dollar lunch ;) And coffee has been my friend. And I've slowly seen the scale creep back up. And I really wasn't looking forward to the number today.

So lo and behold it didn't happen. I think I'm at my breaking point physically. I'm back to being unable to do things. Like kneel down or squat. Even walking up the stairs is giving me trouble. I'm achy and itchy and uncomfortable in my clothes. And I haven't seemed to have found the "re-motivating" factor. Like all of that won't do it for me? I don't really know. I guess I'm just super stubborn in that area. I can't have someone tell me what to do. I have to do it myself, and figure it out myself. I'm weird like that. I have to do it myself when it comes to working out. I guess if I'm super excited I will do it with friends. But I kinda prefer to do it solo? I'm odd I guess. Of course who am I kidding. I haven't worked out in months! I definitely de-railed a while back and I haven't been able to get back on course. I'm off work in 2 weeks for 11 weeks (Hello Summer break!!) and I'm hoping to use that time to get back into my groove and get going. I've got to get myself into a routine again. One that I can figure out how not to break when my life gets super crazy.

Because I know it will. :0)

1 comment:

  1. I've had that happen--stupid scales, needing batteries when you least expect it. ;)

    The time to get back on track is NOW--you can do it!!


2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.