Isn't that how it always works? After being off of work last week, I really wasn't quite ready to head back to work today but off I went. And I was so tired last night I think I was in bed around 8. The only thing that got me out of bed on time today was an phone call at 6:05 am from a company that has a computer dial numbers. Grrrr. I not so nicely told her how early it was and suggested that her company make sure they check their time zones before dialing out. But it got me out of bed on time I suppose.
I was sitting here just realizing how little time we actually have until school gets out for the summer. Quite literally almost 2 months to the day. If we hadn't of had to take the snow days we would have been out the 8th of June. Now it's the 11th of June. And that's gonna go by so fast. And my preschoolers only come 4 days a week. So they really only have about 30 actual school days left! It's so crazy to think!
Easter was an interesting eating day. I want to think I did ok..until the 3 pieces of Angel food cake ;0) I mean all in all I could have cut back on the potato chips and only had 1 piece of cake and I would have been fine. I just feel like I do way better totally restricted on something. I pretty much have to not be able to have it at all. Otherwise I just can't stop. One piece turns into two, turns into three. But if I can't have it at all, it's way easier to say I just can't eat it. It's so hard to draw the line between how much is ok to eat and how much isn't. But is a chicken patty worth it? Nope. Not really. Do I miss it? oh yeah. But to reach my goal it's gotta go.
Speaking of gotta go. Tuesday is probably my last coffee. I'm almost out of syrup and I told myself once that was gone that I was done. That's one of the things that has to go for me to reach my goal. My milk frother broke, so already my latte's aren't as good. I of course had just bought a brand new big bag of the coffee at costco, so that went to a friend. I judged wrong, so I still have a few beans left..but I might just put them in a container of some sort so I can smell them :) I'm liking that idea. I will miss my coffee though. I've gotten used to the routine of having a quiet time with it in the morning before the boys get up. I will really miss it over the summer. Hopefully this isn't a lifelong give up, but more like a temporary give up. I guess we will just see how long it takes me to reach my goal :)
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