Yep. That about sums me up today! LOL! Hey it was a scheduled run! I'm not going just because its 90. Now that's I've done it I might very well change my mind hehe..But. Off I went. Even after a transformer blew somewhere around the school and we were out of power for 3 hours. No seriously. Do you know how hard it is to make preschoolers go to the bathroom where there are no lights? It was a (kind of) hilarious day with no lights. And then I went running.
I was trying out the garmin today! I was definitely excited to compare the two and see how close they were and they were only about .04 off of each other. And no I didn't really go trying to PR in 90 degree weather. I was just trying to finish! It was really funny. I had just been thinking to myself about how irritating it was for the people on the bike to not tell me that they were passing me. Now just because I have headphones in doesn't mean I can't hear you say "to your left" or something like that so I know you are there right before you whizz past me. I'm pretty sure it's what the sign says when you come into the park. Let the slower people (aka me!) know that you are coming up on them so you don't scare the bejeebee's out of them! So this one guy passed me rather unexpectedly. But he yelled "Keep it up!" at me. And totally made me smile. I was almost to 1.5 miles and ready to stop, but I kept going. Then almost to 2 miles these other people were like"Good job, way to go!". It made me smile.
But I did stop right after two miles. Well I started walking. And you know what. I walked the whole third mile. And I was absolutely ok with it. It was so stinking hot. I didn't want to overheat myself and pass out on a trial with no one around. So I made the decision to do what was best for me. And that was to walk. I did about two more spurts of running, but my body was pretty clear it was done running for the day. And I still ended up with about a 17 minute average :)
So my two thoughts for the day are: Random encouragement is fun :) Be nice to crazy people running in the park. They might need a way to go, or a smile from you. And two: I gotta start planning different running times in the summer. I don't plan on running too many more 90 degree runs.
And now I am off to try to catch some of this lightning that I hear the thunder rumbling from. It's getting close, so I better get the computer off!
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