Saturday, February 4, 2012

What else are Saturday's for?

I always have the best intentions of updating the blog early..but that doesn't seem to happen too often :) Except on Wednesdays when I am just so excited to show you my picture of the scale!

Today I had every good intention of cleaning my house for the bridal shower that I am having here next weekend for my friend whose wedding I am in. Ok. Well really the MAIN goal was to get the Christmas Tree out of the living room! Yeah. We have become one of those people. Who leave the tree up forever. I mean really. We are just really good at pushing things off till the last minute. Like how much time do I have until I absolutely have to do this? kind of people. So since we didn't want a tree in the living room next Saturday, today was the day. And I am happy to report that it is now downstairs in the storage room with the rest of the Christmas decorations. And the rest of the house is still a mess. Don't you hate that? I got parts of each room cleaned that I needed to. So I guess I can't say it was an utter failure? Just that I would have liked to have gotten more done than I did.


I had to do my Couch to 5K training. Happy to say I finished up week 2 today. And I ran outside at the track at the middle school. And it was cold! I think it was around 32 degrees? I started off cold. I only wore one layer. I knew I was going to warm up soon enough. So I got started. I began to realize that I am starting to get farther when I run. Now this in fact might be only in my little head, BUT, nonetheless I can make it walking around the track in 5 minutes. So when I made it about 3/4 of the way around the track jogging I got a little inwardly excited. And last time I ran at the track. I did 1.5 miles. This time I added a 5 minute run/walk session and finished 1.75 miles. I actually just went around the track one more time and finished off the two miles. My fitbit said that I did 2.5 miles. I played around with it today to try to set my stride. So hopefully next weekend when I run at the track it will be a little more accurate? I might have to do some more playing with it. I was really excited when I looked at it today and it told me I did 2.5 miles in 40 minutes. It came out to an almost 16 minute mile. But I knew it wasn't true since I had counted the laps at the track for 2 miles. But still. I did good :)

I am already trying to find ways to be running outside more. I think it's going to be staying lighter enough for me to actually go and run at the track right after work. Part of me feels bad because I told my grandparents I would be coming and using their treadmill. But the other part of me wants to be outside! I run faster. I was able to do 2 miles in 40 minutes. Now I know that doesn't seem like a big accomplishment to some. But it is to me. Since having my knee surgery a couple years ago, I haven't quite been able to get back to a 20 minute mile. I look forward to shaving some more time off my mile. And I know it will happen as I lose more weight.

I never thought I would be one to like, let alone secretly love running. I already had fleeting thoughts the other day on a day I wasn't scheduled to run that I should go for a run because the weather was nice :)

What's your favorite thing to do on a Saturday?

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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.