Sunday, February 12, 2012

A celebrating weekend!

Yes. I should be in bed. Yes I am exhausted. But I figured I should say something at least real quick ;)

This weekend I had the bridal shower at my house and then tonight we celebrated my sister's birthday with dinner at Texas Roadhouse and then cake and ice cream at the Grandparent's house. The shower was great! We had a lot of people show up, they ate the food and gave her great presents. Well except the cupcakes that are still sitting on my table. Those I think my sister are taking to work. I ended up at the very end only grabbing a handful of gluten free tortilla chips that my friend had brought. So I did really good eating wise at the party. After everyone left and we ate dinner my friend and I (who is other maid of honor) literally sat on the couch for almost 3 hours just talking and playing games on our I-phones. We are great friends! :)

Then this morning I ended up covering for another friend on the worship team who ended up being sick. So I ended up at church early even though I thought I was gonna stay home LOL! I guess that's the way it goes. Church was awesome.

Then for dinner we went to Texas Roadhouse. Now it just opened up a few months ago, so it's all the rage right now. I just wasn't impressed. For one thing. I am not a steak or rib eater. Ok? I really just don't like eating meat off the bone. Never have. And it was honestly expensive. I don't pay that much for dinner. Anything over 10.00 and you can just bet I won't buy it. Unless I am at Olive Garden. Which I don't foresee in my future right now after going gluten free. Back to the Roadhouse. I don't know if it was just because I was with people all weekend long? But by 5:00 and they dimmed all the lights so you couldn't see and then they were BLARING country music and the waitresses were line dancing and people were screaming happy birthday songs to people and trying to find something on the menu that I could actually eat. Well I just wasn't very happy. It was hard to even talk around the table, the music was so loud. I ended up with a side of fries and a small bowl of chili, which wasn't all that great to me. Hey. At least the fries were good :) I guess I'm still a cheap date. My meal ended up being 6.00. Woo! Happy Birthday Chana.

Then off we went to the Grandparent's house. I basically stayed out of the kitchen. Would I love cake and ice cream right now? Oh yes I would! But what I would not want is all the sugar cravings to come back after so long of cutting it way back. So I said no.

I am telling you that this is one of the hardest things I have ever had to do in my life. It's not that I just don't want it. But it affects me differently. I really have been looking at it like I am allergic to sugar. It just does bad things to me. And I can't do it anymore. That's not saying I don't miss it. I just have a better reason to say no.

oh I forgot to add that I did go for my run yesterday. And it was sort of raining. kind of more like spitting. ;) I am still amazed that I can run for as long as I am. This week I jump to 4 minutes at a time. So I am kind of excited for saturday to see if I can make it around the track in 4 minutes. That would be awesome!

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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.