Friday, May 9, 2014

Two drawers...

Well tonight I got two drawers cleaned out. Haha..and then I promptly put stuff back into them. So I guess technically they aren't really cleaned out? But I can't reach my filing cabinet very well all the stuff that I wanted to file I put back in a drawer. So it's at least gone through..This is stuff I am keeping and need to put somewhere else. Everything else went in the yard sale bag, recycling or garbage. I also had two small tubs that I am going to be putting office stuff and then electrical stuff in. The two big pieces of furniture that I decided not to keep basically were throw all my junk in them furniture. One is a buffet. It holds a variety of things but I managed to get the two easy drawers cleaned out tonight :) The top drawer is by far the most junk drawer of it all. It used to be so nice and organized and now I just avoid opening it.'s a lot of pens and sharpies and chargers and batteries and stuff. This is the stuff I really don't know where I'm going to put right's basically taken the place of a desk really. I have a small secretary, but once again I don't use it except to hide stuff in it :) I will be getting a lot more organized. And getting rid of more office stuff..I really don't need 30 million pens. I mean I don't exaggerate...not one bit.

And the other cabinet held all my bathroom stuff and some other miscellaneous stuff. We didn't have room in our bathroom here to store all our stuff so I kept my cabinet that used to be in my closet at the other house. So as of right now that's mostly cleaned out..but I am still using stuff and hoping to use up some more stuff before I go. But I still have a little bit to go :)

So those two pieces are going to my cousin's house soon and I wanted to get those cleaned out first. It would be nice to get them out of my house and be able to use the room to store boxes LOL!

Which is the bad thing about moving...I don't have much room to put all my boxes. So I want to be all packed up and ready to go yet I don't have anywhere to put my my room might just have to be a mess for the next two months...and I might just have to deal with it. HAHA..

Well I am off to help a friend move in the I need to get in bed :)

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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.