Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wednesday Weigh in Week 80

80 weeks. Wow. I'm just gonna say that I really thought I was going to be done by now. I was gonna be at my goal weight. And life would be great. Fast forward to my life. Haha..yeah right..

Anyways. So here we are Wednesday again. I really almost forgot that it was "weigh in" day. And that I should be posting. I guess I posted yesterday, so wow..2 posts in a row.

I am on day 3 of my 30 day squat challenge. I am super glad tomorrow is a rest day. I think I can mentally handle 3 days in a row of squats if I get one day off ;) Today I did 60 squats. And so far, only the front of my legs are sore. So I'm pretty happy that my back isn't injured and life seems better.

I am slowly getting off of dairy and gluten again. At least backing down of what I was doing daily. So that's a start. And I even threw in a couple of fruits this week. Yah. Haha..

Not much else going on for me. I am going on a mini road trip to pick up a friend on Saturday :0) Just a quick overnight trip, and I am considering going tomorrow for a free concert an hour away. Either that or I am going to have a vegging 4th of July. I have a couple of options of things to do but I haven't decided yet :)

Happy 4th of July everyone!

1 comment:

  1. So did I miss the part where you actually weighed in??

    Happy Fourth to you, too!


2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.