Wow. 67 weeks. I feel like I have been doing a really great job maintaining...a place where I don't want to be. Haha. But. I plow on. Because I never know when the day that the A-ha moment will happen and it will click and fall into place. I don't think it was today, but yesterday was a beginning. :)
I finally met up with a friend and had her show me how she thinks I should be doing that two week plan that I mentioned the other day. Because in all honesty having someone else watch your form really helps you figure out how to do it. Plus I knew that I was doing some of them wrong, and that's probably what helped me hurt my back a couple of weeks ago. So basically. I round my back instead of keeping it straight. And I need to draw my shoulders back :) And there were a couple exercises we modified due to my knee. But I will get that thing strengthened darn it and get over my fear of hurting it again while doing squats or lunges. But a lot of that comes with losing weight so I don't have as much pressure on it :( See it all works together.
And I was using 5 to 10 pound weights at her house and let me tell you. I am sore today! But in a good way! I spent part of today looking around for 5 pound weights. I have 2, 3, and 10 pounds. And I think right now I'm just going to have to bite the bullet and use the 10's. I might have to not do as many reps, but I will build up to it :) I might hit up Goodwill tomorrow and see if they have any, but I'm probably not going to look much farther than that. If I can only do 3 with good form, than I'm only going to do 3, but that's 3 more than I have been doing.
I got my (second) pair of shoes for the wedding that I'm going to, and I think these ones might work! They pull a little bit when I walk but I don't think I'm going to be doing too much walking in them. And I might have to see about trying to get them to stay on my ankle more. But they fit. And they will look cute with the dress! This whole formal thing got me this time. This is a pretty nice outfit LOL!.
Congrats on sticking with it!! That's the most important step!