Monday, March 18, 2013

Two weeks

Oh boy, I tell you what! Nothing screams extra motivation like realizing that the wedding you are going to next month is um, FORMAL! So that means I have 6 weeks. 6 weeks to lose weight before the wedding. I mean, I'm really glad I figured this out now so I have a better idea of what to wear, it just makes the entire process a little harder now trying to find a formal outfit and shoes.

Shoes. hate. me.


I have super wide feet. I have to buy EE shoes. Do you know how hard it is to find those that actually look good on your feet? Oh and that don't cost a fortune? So I got on Zappos and found this super cute pair of shoes, and they were EE so I bought them on Saturday. I have no idea how but they got here today and they look HORRIBLE on my feet. Too long in the front but too tight on the side and squished my toes up where there would just be no way I could walk in them. Plus they looked so bad. I knew it the minute I tried them on. Luckily zappos has amazing customer service and I will be able to send them back free and try to get some new ones ordered. Thanks Zappos.

But the whole wedding thing led me to actually start this two week workout thing I found on Pinterest. It's basically 30 minutes of walking a day with 5 strength training moves. And some super lucky people lost up to 12 pounds and 22 inches doing this with a 1600 calorie a day diet. Now I haven't actually tried to count calories in a while. With not being able to eat all the foods that I am allergic to it kind of became why bother. I didn't want to know how little calories I was eating. So I don't think that's really a problem. But I should start to try to track again just so I know, but it's just complicated.

So at any rate I did my first day of the 2 week workout tonight. I finally got started right at 7:00. I procrastinated long enough. It took me right about 45 minutes and then I did my 20 minute stretching yoga video afterwards. I am really anxious to see what it does! I had mom measure me and I weighed myself this morning, so we will see what the next two weeks brings. I'm sure it will be full of me doing these workouts the wrong way. But they way I see it, if I'm doing something it's better than nothing at all right? Looking at a sheet of paper and trying to do the workout is so hard for me. I'm sure I got part of the movements right..but the other ones I might just be doomed with.

But it's a start.

I can tell you one of the things I absolutely want most with my weight loss is for my feet to shrink. I want me feet to be back at a normal size. I long and pray for the day when I don't have to buy my shoes online and pray they fit. I long to be able to walk into a store and try a pair of shoes on. Even if they were a normal "wide" width, I think I would be happy. They at least carry those in the store. I mean I can go buy running shoes from the runner's store, but I would love to be able to go try a pair of shoes on and have them fit! That is definitely one of my huge weight loss goals.

But for and zappos are friends ;0)

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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.