Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wednesday weigh in week 48

Holy cow. Can I just say it doesn't feel like Wednesday to me today? Like I literally almost forgot that I was going to weigh in today. Maybe it was because I stayed home yesterday, or that today was the last day of work for the week. So first I almost forget to weigh myself and then tonight I almost forgot to post. Haha. Well that wouldn't have been a big deal since I weighed the same this morning as I did last week. Dislike. So yeah. Don't mind me over here in my corner of the world just trying to figure out why I'm not losing it. I'm working out 4-5 times a week. And apparently I need to bump it up a notch. Or figure out what the heck I am eating that is making me hold on to the weight.

So at any rate it's 10:30, I'm tired. I need to take some nyquill (pesky runny nose and sore throat again) and then I get to sleep in a bit. I'm going to get my run done early and get it out of the way for tomorrow. I'm not a bad overeater at all on thanksgiving.  Well if you count eating too much potatoes ;) Not a big fan of all the sides that you eat with turkey. Give me some meat, potatoes and a roll and I am a happy girl. And then a piece of pie ;)

Hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving :0)

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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.