Sunday, October 28, 2012

Bloomsday Training week one recap

Hey I'm just telling you right now. Knowing I was gonna come on here and post this did make me sure that I was gonna get those workouts in no matter what. And considering I stayed home from work two days this week, I still managed to work out. Well one day I considered grocery shopping my cardio for the day. But hey! I was sick! I mean it's no good when your mom takes one look at you and gives you this pathetic look and then hugs you. Yes. I looked like death warmed over. Haha. I'm still not 100% better here. *insert angry face. I'm sick of being sick*. BUT, I am hopefully on my way.

So it's pouring right now. And is supposed to be most of the week. Which means I will be running in the rain most likely on Tuesday. Oh joy. :) At least my Monday and Wednesday stuff is going to be indoors. Because trick or treating does not count as cardio. Cruising around Walmart for an hour-ish does...but slow waltzing around the neighborhood just shouldn't ;)

I have at least figured out A) I'm allergic to people ;), or B) I need to quit eating all this food I'm allergic to! I'm fairly certain this "cold" at this point is just a reaction to the food I've been eating. My love affair with cheese and wheat is just a hard one to give up :( And every time I thought I was getting better I would get around people and all the sudden BAM! I was totally wiped out again. Like right now it's 8:30 and I have already taken nyquill for the night and am gonna shut it down right after I'm done here and head back to bed. And this is after an hour nap after church. I cannot get lazy right now!

Oh, and I tried yoga today for the first time. It was....interesting :) I'm a little leery of all the meditation and energy. But the video I picked, there was only one move that I couldn't do and the rest of it basically was just stretching. :) Which was perfect for what I wanted today. It was a little creepy when he said and now do you feel like one leg is longer than the other one? And it did! It was weird! But I didn't fall asleep and I'm well stretched, needless to say.

Off to bed I go! Happy almost Monday!

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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.