Can I just say that I'm slightly overwhelmed right now? First thing first, I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. I laid pretty low all day yesterday and most of today. I did make it out to Fred Meyer today because I was wanting stuff from their organic section. They have a really great gluten free section at Fred Meyer. I am actually impressed. So anyways. My teeth are gone and I have really annoying stitches. Other than that I'm not doing too bad. Not swelling horribly. But all I've been eating is mashed potatoes, pudding, ice cream, applesauce and soup. I think I've "lost" 3 pounds since yesterday. I guess we will see how long that lasts huh? I'm still icing my cheeks. But I'm doing good. :) The pain meds are pretty ridiculous. They didn't knock me out or anything. I would fall asleep for an hour and wake back up. We had the most amazing/scary/awesome thunder and lightning show from about 2:30 to 5 am this morning. I just laid there trying to take videos to get a picture from. It was pretty intense, rattling the house. That's the fun thing about it being so hot these days. We get some pretty cool lightning.
Back to being overwhelmed. I'm still having a hard time with the concept of being allergic to dairy, eggs, beef, wheat, peanuts, and garlic. All of these I eat on a daily basis! So now that I'm not just trying to eliminate them for a season, but for good, I'm freaking out just a little bit. I mean seriously! Do you know how hard it is to find food without wheat or garlic? I can't even have a veggie burger. They have garlic in them as a seasoning. And wheat is used in so much. Dr. Ginger told me I could have eggs that are baked in things, so like a cake or waffles because I'm not eating the entire egg all at once, but not to actually have a whole egg all at once. So no more scrambled, or fried eggs, or omelets. And milk! No more milk, milkshakes, ice cream, or frozen yogurt. Or cottage cheese, or cheese. Or macaroni and cheese. It's like taking my entire diet and doing a 360! Good thing I'm not allergic to turkey or chicken or pork. I can only have beef like 2x a week now. And not back to back. And my beloved peanut butter is no more. I would use it to get protein in, that and cheese. Uh yeah. no more of that!
It's really just crazy. I have no idea that I could be eating things on a daily basis that I am allergic too. No wonder I feel so lethargic and like crap all the time. I would have these rashes that I knew were food related but I didn't know what was causing it. And so I guess I kind of foreshadowed this whole allergy testing earlier this year when I decided to do the candida self testing. I did pretty well for the first almost 3 months of the year and I had lost 25 pounds. This is pretty much the same thing I will be doing. Just without the eggs and peanut butter and garlic. Oy. Little did I know that when I decided to do that it was going to be for life.
But I guess now I have a legitimate reason for saying no to things. I'm allergic to them! I don't want to knowingly put something in my body that I know is going to cause it harm. I mean isn't that the point of avoiding foods because they don't agree with your body?
It's hard because I'm gonna have to do it alone. My family isn't going to change all their eating habits for me. So it means I'm gonna have to be cooking my own meals all the time. Most of what we eat for dinner has one of those ingredients in it. Well I can have spagetti with my brown rice noodles and sauce, but I will have to leave the cheese out of it.
So I just have an interesting path ahead of me. I had no idea what I was getting into when I decided to do the allergy tests. I mean if you don't "see" a reaction you aren't going to think you are allergic to something. But once you know, it should be like their is no going back.
Except after my teeth heal. ;) That's when I'm gonna get serious about this. Because right now the majority of soft foods that I can eat have milk or dairy in them. So give or take a week and I will getting serious here.
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