Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Wednesday Weigh in Week 31
4.6 pounds lost this week!
Well this isn't much of a surprise! I mean. For someone who hasn't been able to eat much because of getting my wisdom teeth out. I have basically been living on soft foods since the 13th. As well as finding out about the allergies. So I really haven't been eating a whole lot of food. And since my mouth is still closing up, I still have some figuring out of stuff to do. I must still be eating something my body doesn't like. But between the foods I'm allergic to and the foods that the blood type diet says I shouldn't be eating, there pretty much isn't anything I can eat that I like. Um yeah. Not going to be following the blood type diet to a t. There are things I can limit and some things I might avoid. But let's be realistic. I have to be able to eat. I can't avoid all food. I will starve. Literally.
I wish I was just so naturally inclined to be able to eat anything. My gag reflex of textures is not my friend at times. I did try some zuchinni yesterday. Found out there really isn't much of a taste to it. Which makes it easy to put in things. LOL. I even got my brothers to eat some. They put it on their pb and j sandwiches that they had. Dang I miss my peanut butter sandwiches.
Time to get the boys off to swim lessons. :) The dry socket from my teeth is getting better. I went back to the dentist today and they repacked it with the clove whatever they put in it! Still aches a little but. But nowhere near what it hurt like right after the surgery. I get to go back on Friday and see if I get to have some over the weekend too. Yesterday I managed to not take any pain medication, so that was nice! Hopefully it gets to feeling a lot better soon!
Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Wednesday weigh in week 30
Oh crap really? Week 30? That's a lot! So I've seen this number before. I'm two pounds down from last week. This long weekend of eating soft foods is just about killing me! I'm ready for real food. And apparently I can't have it! Haha. It was interesting after finding out the allergy results, and then getting my teeth pulled and then pretty much only eating foods I was allergic to, and watching my body react. Sure enough, about 2 days after the surgery, my throat is hurting, and my throat is all red and splotchy. So I reluctantly put the pudding and ice cream away and have tried to stay away from the dairy. I was a good girl yesterday and didn't eat the scrambled eggs we had with dinner. Those kinds of things. I did manage to eat some spagetti noodles tonight with a bit of hamburger in the sauce.
I have a feeling this is just gonna be one great lesson on learning how to cook. I mean if I am going to have to modify all my recipes then I better be learning how to make these things right? It takes a lot more time and effort to cook healthy then it does to eat crap that's for sure.
So I don't know if I mentioned it, but I bruised pretty good about the 3rd day after my surgery. It looks like someone clocked me on both sides of my chin. All in all it's not horrible. I'm just surprised it took so long to happen. I'm definitely ready for these stitches to come out and I can eat some more substantial food here. I can only eat so much applesauce, bananas and gluten free waffles!
I have a feeling this is just gonna be one great lesson on learning how to cook. I mean if I am going to have to modify all my recipes then I better be learning how to make these things right? It takes a lot more time and effort to cook healthy then it does to eat crap that's for sure.
So I don't know if I mentioned it, but I bruised pretty good about the 3rd day after my surgery. It looks like someone clocked me on both sides of my chin. All in all it's not horrible. I'm just surprised it took so long to happen. I'm definitely ready for these stitches to come out and I can eat some more substantial food here. I can only eat so much applesauce, bananas and gluten free waffles!
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Can I just say that I'm slightly overwhelmed right now? First thing first, I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday. I laid pretty low all day yesterday and most of today. I did make it out to Fred Meyer today because I was wanting stuff from their organic section. They have a really great gluten free section at Fred Meyer. I am actually impressed. So anyways. My teeth are gone and I have really annoying stitches. Other than that I'm not doing too bad. Not swelling horribly. But all I've been eating is mashed potatoes, pudding, ice cream, applesauce and soup. I think I've "lost" 3 pounds since yesterday. I guess we will see how long that lasts huh? I'm still icing my cheeks. But I'm doing good. :) The pain meds are pretty ridiculous. They didn't knock me out or anything. I would fall asleep for an hour and wake back up. We had the most amazing/scary/awesome thunder and lightning show from about 2:30 to 5 am this morning. I just laid there trying to take videos to get a picture from. It was pretty intense, rattling the house. That's the fun thing about it being so hot these days. We get some pretty cool lightning.
Back to being overwhelmed. I'm still having a hard time with the concept of being allergic to dairy, eggs, beef, wheat, peanuts, and garlic. All of these I eat on a daily basis! So now that I'm not just trying to eliminate them for a season, but for good, I'm freaking out just a little bit. I mean seriously! Do you know how hard it is to find food without wheat or garlic? I can't even have a veggie burger. They have garlic in them as a seasoning. And wheat is used in so much. Dr. Ginger told me I could have eggs that are baked in things, so like a cake or waffles because I'm not eating the entire egg all at once, but not to actually have a whole egg all at once. So no more scrambled, or fried eggs, or omelets. And milk! No more milk, milkshakes, ice cream, or frozen yogurt. Or cottage cheese, or cheese. Or macaroni and cheese. It's like taking my entire diet and doing a 360! Good thing I'm not allergic to turkey or chicken or pork. I can only have beef like 2x a week now. And not back to back. And my beloved peanut butter is no more. I would use it to get protein in, that and cheese. Uh yeah. no more of that!
It's really just crazy. I have no idea that I could be eating things on a daily basis that I am allergic too. No wonder I feel so lethargic and like crap all the time. I would have these rashes that I knew were food related but I didn't know what was causing it. And so I guess I kind of foreshadowed this whole allergy testing earlier this year when I decided to do the candida self testing. I did pretty well for the first almost 3 months of the year and I had lost 25 pounds. This is pretty much the same thing I will be doing. Just without the eggs and peanut butter and garlic. Oy. Little did I know that when I decided to do that it was going to be for life.
But I guess now I have a legitimate reason for saying no to things. I'm allergic to them! I don't want to knowingly put something in my body that I know is going to cause it harm. I mean isn't that the point of avoiding foods because they don't agree with your body?
It's hard because I'm gonna have to do it alone. My family isn't going to change all their eating habits for me. So it means I'm gonna have to be cooking my own meals all the time. Most of what we eat for dinner has one of those ingredients in it. Well I can have spagetti with my brown rice noodles and sauce, but I will have to leave the cheese out of it.
So I just have an interesting path ahead of me. I had no idea what I was getting into when I decided to do the allergy tests. I mean if you don't "see" a reaction you aren't going to think you are allergic to something. But once you know, it should be like their is no going back.
Except after my teeth heal. ;) That's when I'm gonna get serious about this. Because right now the majority of soft foods that I can eat have milk or dairy in them. So give or take a week and I will getting serious here.
Back to being overwhelmed. I'm still having a hard time with the concept of being allergic to dairy, eggs, beef, wheat, peanuts, and garlic. All of these I eat on a daily basis! So now that I'm not just trying to eliminate them for a season, but for good, I'm freaking out just a little bit. I mean seriously! Do you know how hard it is to find food without wheat or garlic? I can't even have a veggie burger. They have garlic in them as a seasoning. And wheat is used in so much. Dr. Ginger told me I could have eggs that are baked in things, so like a cake or waffles because I'm not eating the entire egg all at once, but not to actually have a whole egg all at once. So no more scrambled, or fried eggs, or omelets. And milk! No more milk, milkshakes, ice cream, or frozen yogurt. Or cottage cheese, or cheese. Or macaroni and cheese. It's like taking my entire diet and doing a 360! Good thing I'm not allergic to turkey or chicken or pork. I can only have beef like 2x a week now. And not back to back. And my beloved peanut butter is no more. I would use it to get protein in, that and cheese. Uh yeah. no more of that!
It's really just crazy. I have no idea that I could be eating things on a daily basis that I am allergic too. No wonder I feel so lethargic and like crap all the time. I would have these rashes that I knew were food related but I didn't know what was causing it. And so I guess I kind of foreshadowed this whole allergy testing earlier this year when I decided to do the candida self testing. I did pretty well for the first almost 3 months of the year and I had lost 25 pounds. This is pretty much the same thing I will be doing. Just without the eggs and peanut butter and garlic. Oy. Little did I know that when I decided to do that it was going to be for life.
But I guess now I have a legitimate reason for saying no to things. I'm allergic to them! I don't want to knowingly put something in my body that I know is going to cause it harm. I mean isn't that the point of avoiding foods because they don't agree with your body?
It's hard because I'm gonna have to do it alone. My family isn't going to change all their eating habits for me. So it means I'm gonna have to be cooking my own meals all the time. Most of what we eat for dinner has one of those ingredients in it. Well I can have spagetti with my brown rice noodles and sauce, but I will have to leave the cheese out of it.
So I just have an interesting path ahead of me. I had no idea what I was getting into when I decided to do the allergy tests. I mean if you don't "see" a reaction you aren't going to think you are allergic to something. But once you know, it should be like their is no going back.
Except after my teeth heal. ;) That's when I'm gonna get serious about this. Because right now the majority of soft foods that I can eat have milk or dairy in them. So give or take a week and I will getting serious here.
food prep,
gluten free,
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Let's just have a moment of silence for...
My peanut butter.
Oh geez.
So I got my allergy test results today, and let's just sayI'm screwed a little shocked! I found out that I am severely allergic to peanuts, eggs, and garlic. And moderately allergic to milk and cottage cheese.
Um hello. These are things I eat on an almost daily basis. How can I have gone this far in life and not have reactions or whatever? It means yet again another revamping of my diet. Which needed to happen, but I really wasn't expecting to be allergic to these things at all. Well ok. Truth be told, I've been slowly figuring out the peanut allergy. I knew that if I went past a certain level of peanut butter that my throat would start to close up. That one kind of makes sense.
So gone is peanut butter, milk, ice cream, frozen yogurt, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, omelets, garlic bread. And other things that I'm not thinking of at 11 at night.
I mean I had a really great talk with Dr. Ginger. I love her. She spent an hour and a half with me, and would have talked with me more if she hadn't had another patient waiting for her. She didn't try to brush me off and answered all my questions. I just left going. Ok. Whereto from here. How do I once again, eliminate all these foods that I love? It's kinda funny that the things that I need to eliminate are the ones that I did earlier in the year when I was doing gluten free, sugar, free, yeast free, and dairy free. I have to admit, the eggs really surprised me. And the garlic.
We also talked a little bit about eating for your blood type. I'm pretty sure that my blood type is O. I mean I haven't checked and I don't really know how to, but that's what I seem to remember hearing a long time ago. This made total sense to me. O blood type people are supposed to avoid wheat. Which gave me the total Aha moment that I needed. I knew that gluten or wheat or bread or whatever you want to call it never sat well with me. It's no wonder that I felt so much greater when I wasn't eating it. It reacts to my blood weirdly. I'm not allergic to it. But I shouldn't be eating it either. So that's another thing still staying off the list. Now other grains I can have. Just not the wheat.
So that's where I am at. And in about 12 hours I will just be coming too from having my wisdom teeth taken out. Apparently this is the year that I will be taking care of more body issues than I thought. From teeth to allergies, I guess I really am finishing what I start.
Whether it was in the original plan or not :0)
Oh geez.
So I got my allergy test results today, and let's just say
Um hello. These are things I eat on an almost daily basis. How can I have gone this far in life and not have reactions or whatever? It means yet again another revamping of my diet. Which needed to happen, but I really wasn't expecting to be allergic to these things at all. Well ok. Truth be told, I've been slowly figuring out the peanut allergy. I knew that if I went past a certain level of peanut butter that my throat would start to close up. That one kind of makes sense.
So gone is peanut butter, milk, ice cream, frozen yogurt, cottage cheese, scrambled eggs, omelets, garlic bread. And other things that I'm not thinking of at 11 at night.
I mean I had a really great talk with Dr. Ginger. I love her. She spent an hour and a half with me, and would have talked with me more if she hadn't had another patient waiting for her. She didn't try to brush me off and answered all my questions. I just left going. Ok. Whereto from here. How do I once again, eliminate all these foods that I love? It's kinda funny that the things that I need to eliminate are the ones that I did earlier in the year when I was doing gluten free, sugar, free, yeast free, and dairy free. I have to admit, the eggs really surprised me. And the garlic.
We also talked a little bit about eating for your blood type. I'm pretty sure that my blood type is O. I mean I haven't checked and I don't really know how to, but that's what I seem to remember hearing a long time ago. This made total sense to me. O blood type people are supposed to avoid wheat. Which gave me the total Aha moment that I needed. I knew that gluten or wheat or bread or whatever you want to call it never sat well with me. It's no wonder that I felt so much greater when I wasn't eating it. It reacts to my blood weirdly. I'm not allergic to it. But I shouldn't be eating it either. So that's another thing still staying off the list. Now other grains I can have. Just not the wheat.
So that's where I am at. And in about 12 hours I will just be coming too from having my wisdom teeth taken out. Apparently this is the year that I will be taking care of more body issues than I thought. From teeth to allergies, I guess I really am finishing what I start.
Whether it was in the original plan or not :0)
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Wednesday Weigh in Week 29
So. It appears that my weight keeps going the wrong direction. Isn't it supposed to go the other way? I mean I have many reasons that I can blame this on, and they could probably be all legitimate. I really have been slacking on my water intake. Which is probably really affecting me. I probably have had less than 3 cups a day for the past week or so. Which isn't the greatest in 100 degree + weather. Blah. And seeing that it's been that hot I haven't even bothered to exercise. I really need to get back into a morning routine of just doing what I can in the house. By the time the afternoon and evening comes around I'm too tired/busy to actually get a workout in. Plus I am not going running in 100 degrees. It's around 11 at night right now and it's a good 80 degrees. I would actually love to go on a run. But I don't go running after dark.
So my appointment is tomorrow to figure out if I have any food allergies. I already got a phone call from them telling me that my gluten and candida tests both came back negative. In a weird way I was slightly disappointed. I mean I honestly know I feel better when I am not eating the gluten. But then since I've found out I'm not allergic to it, all I have eaten is gluten since it's been "off limits". I almost wished it would have been positive so I would have had a "reason" to not have it. I have such an irritating way of being all or nothing. And it shows both positively and negatively. So here's to finding out tomorrow if there is anything I am allergic to and what I get to do about it. :0)
We are on our 4th day of 100+ heat. And it isn't supposed to be under 100 till Friday. It feels like our summer came! I don't even remember having this many days over 100 last summer, let alone 4 days in a row. At least it's a nice dry heat and I don't feel so stuffy. We did have this amazing lightning storm the other day. I love to sit and watch those. I personally feel like it was better then the 4th of July show we had at my house ;)
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
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2014. A year without the scale defining who I am. A year of finishing what I start.