This is where weight loss has become an all out mental war. I did so amazingly awesome for the first three months of the year, and then one cheat day turned into two months of cheating and here I am, gained almost 10 pounds back. My body feels horrible, I have rashes on my skin, I haven't run regularly since the beginning of May. Or exercised hardly at all for that matter. I have had a to hell with it attitude and eaten what I want because I can. Even though I know it's bad for my body.
*Snap me back in*
Oh yeah! 29 weeks. See this is where the rubber meets the road. I can just give up here. I can be unhappy and miserable. Or I can press in and press on. My goal is still feasible. My first goal would put me losing 2.8 pounds a week to make it to my 100 pound weight loss goal. My
So where does that leave me? I'm in a pretty big do or die situation right now. Go big or go home. I have to give it everything I have for the next 29 weeks. Without failing. Every week has to be consistent or it's not gonna happen. I still have kept off 20(ish) pounds this year. So now it's either 80 or 100 more.
And right now I have the summer to get a great head start. Monday marks the last day of school and I have the next 11 weeks off to be able to really focus on my weight loss. I will have to watch the boys in the mornings, but the afternoons I will have a good chunk of time to be working out. Because I have to lose 3-4 pounds a week to meet my goal.
So this has become my plan. And I need to be blogging a bit more too. But I will have more time in my 11 weeks to be doing that :0)
29 weeks. 3.5 pounds a week. Watch out.
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