My mom brought home a piece of paper the other day with some info on it that I found quite interesting. It was talking about a yeast overgrowth in your body, Candida, and after reading it and doing some research on-line, something clicked in me. This appears to be the cause of a lot of problems in my body. In essence its a giant yeast infection that is in your entire body. My main problem that I can see with it is that it has infected my toenails. My feet and nails have been horribly affected with Athlete's foot for almost 10 years now. No matter what I try, it continues to stay infected. So I have decided to try a Candida diet to eliminate this yeast in my body and try to restore it. :)
My only issue with this new lifestyle is that it involves cutting out almost every single food that I eat. No. For real. "Food allergies believed to be associated with candida include dairy products, wheat, yeast, corn, eggs, citrus fruits and sugar"--(from Um hello? What am I supposed to eat? It's like a complete 360 turn on my food. I'm a little scared to try this and at the same time I know I have to. I want my feet to clear up! I want to be able to go and get a pedicure and not be afraid to have somebody work on my feet. I won't let anyone touch them right now. I don't need to be sticking my feet that look like this into someones hands just because I want a pedicure. Not going to happen.
And I haven't quite figured out how long I need to do this before re-introducing food back in to see what I am actually allergic to. Yeah. It seems like every website is different on what they suggest that you do. Some foods are ok on some sites and not ok on others. So I don't quite know what I am supposed to believe. I just know I have to do something about it.
This is what this blog is going to be about for a while. Figuring out this sugar allergy and talking about it every day. Seeing how I do without the sugar, and how it affects/changes my body. It's going to be a lot of work, but I believe the end results are going to be much better than what my life is like now :)
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